Do lado mais visível das imagens [On the more visible side of the images]
30 march — 23 june 2024
Curator: José Maças de Carvalho e Daniel Madeira
Production: CACE

The group of works on display is in a line that begins with suprematism and abstractionism and extends to minimalism.

The external world is reduced to the tiniest expression, creating a time and a way of its own intrinsic to the creative act, projected in the work. We are also talking about the possibility of a return to the primordial image, to the image as an emotional experience. This is how the works in this exhibition present themselves: they come from a place where the original image has been banished, they assert their boldness and demand from the visitor the generosity of a clear and welcoming gaze.

The exhibition features works from the State Contemporary Art Collection (on deposit at the CACC) and the Norlinda and José Lima Collection, reaffirming the importance of private collections and placing them in a relationship with the CACE.