Contact and location
Rua Paula Rego
3700-119 S. João da Madeira
Phone number: +351 256 004 190
Oliva Art Centre is on Rua da Fundição, in S. João da Madeira, inside the Oliva Creative Factory complex. Nearby are the Hat-making Museum, the Shoemaking Museum and Oliva Tower, which hosts the Industrial Tourism office.
Getting there
40 km from Porto and 45 km from Aveiro, S. João da Madeira is located at in the north of Beira Litoral Region and the Aveiro district, within the Porto Metropolitan Area.
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40° 54′ 20.048″ N
Longitude: 8° 29′ 48.271″ W
Travelling on the A1 take exit 18, Feira/Ovar, and drive along the N223, S. João da Madeira/Vale de Cambra.
Travelling on the A29 take exit 6, S. João da Madeira, and continue on N223.
Travelling on A32 take the S. João da Madeira exit.
Free parking at Oliva Creative Factory, 100 metres from Oliva Art Centre.
Unir and Rede Nacional de Expressos operate from Porto. In S. João da Madeira get off at Museu da Chapelaria/Torre da Oliva stop. Schedule info at Unir or Rede Nacional de Expressos websites. In S. João da Madeira get off at Museu da Chapelaria/Torre da Oliva stop.
Taking the trains from Porto or Lisbon, get off at Espinho train station, which connects to S. João da Madeira via the Vale do Vouga Line. From the station to Oliva Art Centre is only a 15-minute walk.
Schedule info atCP – Comboios de Portugal website.