Exhibition proposals and space provision
Exhibitions proposals policy
Centro de Arte Oliva structures its exhibition programme between temporary presentations of the resident collections and curatorial projects according to three guidelines: to provide discovery, contact and knowledge of the work of artists of recognised artistic value but whose work is little known or was never presented in Portugal; intersections of the visual arts with other fields of creation (such as cinema, dance, design and architecture) and to projects that present new narratives, interpretations and contributions to the history of art.
Our exhibitions are planned 18 to 24 months in advance, and although it is unusual for an unsolicited proposal to result in an exhibition, we encourage proposals from artists, curators, archives and institutions, especially those that might fit in with our programme line-up.
To submit proposals, please send an e-mail with an exhibition dossier to centrodearteoliva@cm-sjm.pt
The submissions are analyzed twice a year, end of March and October.
We recommend that you do not send material by post, as we cannot guarantee its return.
Use of Oliva Art Centre space(s) for photographic sessions
Private, commercial photographic sessions require prior authorization (obtained at least 72 hours before via email). Conditions and fees can be consulted in the relevant document.
In the case of spaces featuring artworks on display, these must be deleted from the collected images unless previously authorized so as to safeguard relevant copyright. The use of images featuring artworks on display is always contingent upon prior authorization by the authors/artists (or other copyright owners), the Board of Directors or the artwork owners. Obtaining the relevant authorization from copyright owners is the sole responsibility of the user/requester.
Conditions for providing space for photo shoots