Artworks for the city
In 2021, Oliva Art Centre continued the project Obras para a Cidade, a programme to foster the community’s contact with artworks shown in public places in the city of São João da Madeira. All the selected works include painting, photography, sculpture and drawing. All the selected works belong to the Norlinda and José Lima Collection.
In stage three, from December 2020 to March 2022, the works are shown at the City Hall, Casa da Criatividade and Academia de Música.
2018 – 2019
In April 2018, Oliva Art Centre launched the project Obras para a Cidade, a programme to foster the community’s contact with artworks shown in public places in the city of São João da Madeira. All the selected works belong to the Norlinda and José Lima Collection; they include painting, photography, sculpture and drawing.
During stage one, from April 2018 to June 2019, and stage two, which began in July 2019, the artworks were shown at the Municipal Market, Casa da Criatividade, Municipal Library, Academia de Música, Sanjotec and the City Hall. In the second phase, which started in July 2019, the locations remained the same.
The project included actions designed by the Educational Project, which explored the relationships between the artworks and the people who inhabit and visit those spaces: Sopa Transatlântica [Transatlantic soup] at the Municipal Market, As sombras do dia [The shadows of the day] at the Municipal Library, Percurso orientado Obras para a Cidade [Guided visit to Works for the City] at the Municipal Library, the City Hall and Casa da Criatividade; the Collection was shown specifically at the city’s schools.