Trabalho Capital # Ensaio Sobre Gestos e Fragmentos [Capital work # Essay on gestures and fragments]
13 april 2019 — 8 march 2020
Curator: Paulo Mendes

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
Milan Kundera
“Culture is the rule and art is the exception. […] The rule is to want the death of the exception.”
Jean-Luc Godard

In this exhibition-installation the Norlinda and José Lima Collection dialogues with new works created for this project, already existing works and documental and technical material from the industrial museologic legacy related to the history of the Oliva Factory. The aim is to convoke Oliva’s historical, social and political memory by confronting it with our time and the current exhibition space. Convoking this material and immaterial legacy is one of the crucial components of this project, whose premise is to bring together works that are directly or indirectly related with some ideas that we can list and confront with the idea of WORK. This exhibition-installation reactivates the memory of the industrial and factory work space through photographic and filmic documents. We interviewed former workers, thus starting an oral and video archive to be shown during the exhibition as a way of returning the Oliva Factory to the city and re-establishing a bridge with the past. The exhibition’s scenography points to an industrial space under (re)construction; it evokes reminiscences from the industrial past and confronts them with contemporary cultural production. [Paulo Mendes]

Artists A Kills B, A. R. Penck, André Alves, André Príncipe, Albuquerque Mendes, Alberto García Alix, Álvaro Lapa, Amélia Alexandre, Ana Jotta, André Cepeda, André Guedes, Andres Serrano, Ângela Ferreira, Ângelo de Sousa, António Areal, António Charrrua, António Melo, António Olaio, António Palolo, António Sena, Arlindo Silva, Artur Barrio, Beatriz Albuquerque, Carla Filipe, Carlos Botelho, Carlos Correia, Cindy Sherman, Damien Hirst, Dinis Santos, Edgar Martins, Eduardo Batarda, Eduardo Matos, Fernando J. Ribeiro, Fernando Lanhas, Fiona Rae, Franz West, Gonçalo Barreiros, Gonçalo Pena, Graça Pereira Coutinho, Helena Almeida, Horácio Frutuoso, Hugo de Almeida Pinho, Inês Norton, Jérémy Pajeanc, Joana Rosa, João Louro, João Marçal, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, João Penalva, João Tabarra, Joaquim Bravo, Joaquim Rodrigo, Jonathan Meese, Jorge Molder, José Almeida Pereira, José Loureiro, José Pedro Croft, Júlia Ventura, Julião Sarmento, Leonel Moura, Lourdes Castro, Ludgero Almeida, Luís Paulo Costa, Luísa Mota, Luisa Correia Pereira, Martin Kippenberger, Manuel Baptista, Manuel Botelho, Manuel Santos Maia, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, Maria Trabulo, Mário Cesariny, Martinho Costa, Max Fernandes, Miguel Leal, Miguel Palma, Mimmo Rotella, Muntean & Rosenblum, Musa Paradisiaca, Nan Goldin, Nobuyoshi Araki, Noé Sendas, Nuno Cera, Nuno Pimenta, Nuno Ramalho, Nuno Sousa Vieira, Paulo Nozolino, Pedro Cabral Santo, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Pedro Calapez, Pedro Portugal, Pedro Proença, Pires Vieira, Ricardo Valentim, Rinus Van de Velde, Sara & André, Sophie Calle, Stephan Balkenhol, Stuart Carvalhais, Susana Mendes Silva, Tiago Alexandre, Tiago Madaleno, Tiago Baptista, Thomaz de Mello, Vanessa Beecroft, Xavier Almeida, Xavier Paes e Yonamine.

Paulo Mendes is an artist, exhibition curator and cultural projects producer. In twenty-five years of work, he has participated in almost three hundred exhibition and performance projects and has curated over seventy independent and institutional exhibitions.


Exhibition-installation views © Dinis Santos

Information sheet
