The Revolution by Night
21 october 2023 — 2 june 2024
Curator: Ana Anacleto

Revolução na Noite was conceived from a generous selection of works belonging to three art collections with different characteristics and frameworks: the Norlinda and José Lima Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Millennium bcp Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art and the Treger Saint Silvestre Collection of Art Brut and Outsider.

The title is inspired by one of Max Ernst’s first paintings, made in 1923, whose construction already announces the goals of surrealism as an artistic (and also socio-political) movement, but above all as a mechanism for approaching artistic creation, the relationship with the world and the glorification of living life to the full. 2023 is the tenth anniversary of the Centro de Arte Oliva and the centenary of the birth of Mário de Cesariny, and 2024 will be the centenary of the publication of André Breton’s “First Surrealist Manifesto”. Articulating these three anniversaries we decided to focus on the theme of surrealism in a comprehensive manner, favouring a curatorial approach based on curiosity, discovery and possibility, attentive to the power of the imagination, valuing the creation of an open and free narrative, which at the same time makes it possible to unfold small webs of unique narratives.

Encompassing a broad time span – and even setting aside the idea of a chronology with defined limits – and avoiding rigid or academically established historical frameworks, the goal was to analyse the surrealist gesture and the echoes of its ideals, through successive advances, halts and retreats, favouring the possibilities of a dialogical relationship between different works, periods, genres and generations.

The exhibition is supported by the Millennium bcp Foundation.

Artists: Adolf Wölfli, Albino Braz, Alice Jorge, Almada Negreiros, Álvaro Lapa, Amadeo Souza-Cardoso, Ana Hatherly, Ana Jotta, Ana Vidigal, André Romão, Ângelo de Sousa, Anna Zemánková, António Dacosta, Árpád Szenes, Artur Cruzeiro Seixas, Bruno Pacheco, Carlos Calvet, Carlos Correia, Carlos Noronha Feio, Catarina Dias, Charles Dellschau, Cindy Sherman, Daniel Blaufuks, Davood Koochaki, Eduardo Batarda, Eduardo Nery, Eva Lootz, Evaristo Rodrigues, Fernando Calhau, Fernando Lemos, Francisco Mendes Moreira, Francisco Queirós, Francisco Tropa, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Gabriel Abrantes, Gabriela Albergaria, George Widener, Giovanni Bosco, Gonçalo Duarte, Gonçalo Pena, Gorgali Lorestani, Graça Morais, Helena Almeida, Hugo Canoilas, Ilda David, Inez Teixeira, Isabel Cordovil, Isabel Ribeiro, Isabel Simões, Jaime Fernandes, Janko Domsic, Joana Rosa, João Gabriel, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, João Penalva, Joaquim Rodrigo, Joële (Nina Karasek), Jorge Barradas, Jorge Martins, Jorge Molder, Jorge Pinheiro, Jorge Queiroz, José Loureiro, Júlia Ventura, Julião Sarmento, Júlio Pomar, Lourdes Castro, Luís Paulo Costa, Luísa Correia Pereira, Madge Gill, Mané Pacheco, Marcelino Vespeira, Maria Capelo, Maria Condado, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, Mariana Gomes, Marilena Pelosi, Mário Cesariny, Marta Wengorovius, Martín Ramírez, Mattia Denisse, Menez, Michael Biberstein, Miguel Branco, Mose T (Mose Tolliver), Musa Paradisiaca, Nadir Afonso, Nan Goldin, Nancy Spero, Noronha da Costa, Oskar Voll, Pablo Picasso, Paula Rego, Paulo Brighenti, Pedro Calapez, Pedro Casqueiro, Pedro Proença, Prophet Royal Robertson, René Bertholo, Rosa Ramalho, Rui Castanho, Rui Sanches, Ruth Rosengarten, Sara Bichão, Scottie Wilson, Sol Lewitt, Sonia Delaunay, Susanne S. D. Themlitz, Tiago Baptista, Valter Vinagre, Vasco Barata, Vasilij Romanenkov


November 2 | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Surrealism by Daniel Costa
November 12 | 15:00 | Guided visit with Miguel Almeida
November 30 | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Charles Dellschau by Joana Ribeiro

December 10 | 15:00 | Visit on LGP with Ângelo Costa
December 14 | 13:30 | Pause dedicated to Tiago Baptista by Miguel Almeida

January 11 | 13:30 | Pause dedicated to Joaquim Rodrigo by Miguel Almeida
January 14 | 15:00 | Guided visit with Joana Ribeiro
January 25th | 13:30 | Pause dedicated to Anna Zemánková by Joana Ribeiro

February 17 | 3pm | Workshop with families with Joana Ribeiro

March 10 | 3pm | Guided visit with Mariana Rocha
March 16 | 3pm | Workshop with families with Mariana Rocha
March 24 | 3pm | Visit in Portuguese Sign Language with Ângelo Costa

April 11 | 1:30 p.m. | PAUSA dedicated to Prophet Royal Robertson with Miguel Almeida
April 25 | 3pm | PAUSA dedicated to Nadir Afonso with Joana Ribeiro
April 27 | 3pm | Listening to Images Workshop with Mariana Rocha

May 9 | 1:30 p.m. | PAUSA dedicated to Sonia Delaunay with Miguel Almeida
May 12th | 3pm | Guided tour with Joana Ribeiro
May 18th | 11h00 | Workshop with families The Phantom Hand with Joana Ribeiro
May 18th | 3pm | Pelosi, Karasek, Gill, Zemánkovác with Bruna Santos
May 23rd | 1:30pm | PAUSA dedicated to Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern with Miguel Almeida
May 29th | 6pm | Presentation of the exhibition catalog with Ana Anacleto, Joana Machado, designer of the exhibition and catalog and Andreia Magalhães, artistic director of Centro de Arte Oliva.


Ana Anacleto (Lisbon, 1975) She works as an independent curator (since 2003), having designed curatorial and editorial projects for several national and international museums and institutions. She was a specialized technician in contemporary art at IAC-MC (2001-2003), assistant and coordinator of Julião Sarmento’s studio (2003-2015), curator and curatorial coordinator at MAAT/ Fundação EDP (2015-2018) and curator and arts programmer visuals at CAV, in Coimbra (2020-2023). She was a member of the Commission for the Acquisition of Contemporary Art from the State Collection – MC (biennium 2021-2022) and is currently a member of the Commission for the Acquisition of Contemporary Art from the EGEAC Collection – Lisbon City Council. She is resident curator and responsible for the mentoring program at the RAMA artistic residency project. Since 2019, he has been teaching the subject “Curatorial Practices” in the Postgraduate Course in Curating, at FCSH – NOVA, in Lisbon and, since 2023, the subject “Art and Contemporaneity” in the Masters in Fine Arts, at ESAD.CR, Caldas -of the Queen.

Video tour of the exhibition © Paulo Cunha Martins

Exhibition views © Dinis Santos

Exhibition catalog
228 x 160 mm
136 pp
eeiBilingual POR/ENG
Design: Joana Machado
Legal deposit: 532241/24

€ 25.00


Catalog available at Centro de Arte Oliva or
Order by e-mail

Shipping costs are added to the above price.

Information sheet
