O Efeito do Observador [The Observer’s Effect]
19 june 2021 — 13 february 2022
Curator: Pablo Berástegui Lozano
The Observer’s Effect: photography in the Norlinda and José Lima Collection
Based on the Norlinda e José Lima Collection, this exhibition resorts to works that have been classified as ‘photographs’ to create a relationship with artworks in other categories, such as video, installation, painting or drawing, with which they directly or indirectly share the invocation of the mechanisms of human perception and an attentive observation of the world.
The project is inspired by quantum physics ‘Observer Effect’[Efeito do Observador] which measures the changes that the act of observing has on the observed objects: ‘a conscious mind can directly affect reality’. projeto inspira-se no designado “Observer’s effect” da física quântica que mede as alterações que o ato de observar tem sobre os objetos contemplados: “uma mente consciente pode afetar diretamente a realidade”. Taking this premise into account, the selected works aim at verifying whether our gaze can, or not, change the world.
Between light and darkness, contemplation and unconsciousness, entropy and order, painting and photographic images, both static and moving, digital and analogue, this exhibition offers a reflection on how to read a collection that transcends disciplinary boundaries and challenges viewers to exercise their visual acuity.
Artists: Albano da Silva Pereira, Alberto García-Alix, André Cepeda, André Príncipe, Ângela Ferreira, Ângelo de Sousa, Artur Barrio, Augusto Alves da Silva, Carlos Azeredo Mesquita, Carlos Roque, Carmen Calvo, Christo & Jeanne Claude, Chus García Fraile, Daniel Blaufuks, Edgar Martins, Filipa César, Gabriel Abrantes, Harmen de Hoop, Helena Almeida, Joan Fontcuberta, João Louro, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, Joseph Beuys, Júlia Ventura, Marta María Pérez Bravo, Massimo Vitali, Milagros de la Torre, Noé Sendas, Paulo Nozolino, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Rinus Van de Velde, Rui Toscano, Santiago Sierra, Sara & André, Sophie Calle, Thomas Struth, Valter Vinagre e Vik Muniz.
Pablo Berástegui Lozano (Pamplona, 1968) lives and works in Portugal and Spain. He developed a solid twenty-year career as a cultural producer in different institutions, mostly working in large-scale projects. He is currently the director of the documental photography project Salut au monde!, which he launched in February 2019 in Porto. He was the General Director of San Sebastián European Cultural Capital 2016 and had previously been responsible for Madrid’s cultural spaces, such as Matadero Madrid (2008-2012) and Centro Conde Duque (2013). From 2003 to 2006, he was the director of PhotoEspaña International Festival of Photography and the Visual Arts. He is currently professor of Planning and Management of Cultural Projects in the Curatorial Studies Course of the University of Navarra. Lozano also collaborates in different cultural projects in Spain and Portugal.
Visit to the exhibition by the curator Pablo Berástegui Lozano
Exhibition views © Dinis Santos
Conversation held on January 29, 2022 between Pablo Berástegui Lozano, Ângela Ferreira and João Sousa Cardoso

Exhibition catalog
260 x 210 mm
172 pp
Bilingual POR/ENG
Design: Atelier d’alves
Legal deposit: 489 016/21
€ 35.00
Catalog available at Centro de Arte Oliva or catalog available at the oliva art center or by order via e-mail centrodearteoliva@cm-sjm.pt. Shipping costs are added to the above price.