L’Esprit Singulier
12 march — 14 august 2024
Curator: Martine Lusardy
Production: Halle Saint Pierre

L’ESPRIT SINGULIER, presents the Treger Saint Silvestre collection on long-term storage at the Oliva Art Center from March 12 to August 14, 2024.

“The two founders, Richard Treger and Antonio Saint Silvestre, driven by their desire, their intuition and their emotions, have over four decades put together a collection that bears the mark of their passionate taste for raw art. Deeply touched by the power of decentralization, by the radical subversiveness of this art, they have never stopped updating their heritage. Their collection bears their mark and the creators they have brought together demonstrate a disturbing faculty of independence and, as Dubuffet said, a desire “to explore, to experiment, to adopt vehicles other than those that culture has imposed on us (I mean: another look at the world, another interpretation of it, another vocabulary and, consequently, another way of manipulating that vocabulary, therefore another way of thinking)”. (...) Martine Lusardy, director of Halle Saint Pierre