Histórias de Violência: Um diálogo entre obras da Coleção Treger Saint Silvestre [Interstitial: Dialogues in the Space between Events I – Portuguese Art in the Norlinda and José Lima Collection]
14 april 2018 — 24 march 2019
Curator: Gustavo Giacosa
“The exhibition Stories of Violence: A dialogue between works from the Treger Saint Silvestre Collection is a curated project by Gustavo Giacosa.18 This examination of the theme of violence, the exhibition is organized in seven nuclei: Drives, Rivals, Imprisonment, Weapons, Battles, Victims, Transformations, convoking not only artists whose works the curator selected, but also a gallery of thinkers and writers quoted in the texts accompanying each nucleus. Histórias de Violência offers ample knowledge on the representations, manifestations, exorcisms or sublimations of violence in the visual arts, following a chronological line that extends from the early 20th century to very recent works. The exhibition features over fifty artists, including great classics of art brut such as Henry Darger (1892–1973), Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern (1892–1982), Martin Ramírez (1895–1963) and modern and contemporary art, such as Erró (1932), Robert Combas (1957) or Gonçalo Mabunda (1975). The exhibition includes paintings, sculptures and drawings from the Treger/Saint Silvestre collection in a dialogue with works from other collections, namely gallery Christian Berst (Paris), the collection La “S” Grand Atelier (Vielsalm), Ferraiuolo/Giacosa (Aix-en-Provence) and the Norlinda and José Lima Collection (on loan at Núcleo de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira). The exhibition is not exclusively made of Art Brut/Outsider Art works; it includes artists from the contemporary art world and inaugurates a trajectory that we wish to continue exploring in our projects and programming.” [Andreia Magalhães] [Andreia Magalhães]
Artists Alexander Lobanov, André Robillard, Anónimo espanhol, António Saint Silvestre, Artur Moreira, Bernard Rancillac, Camille-Jean Nasson, Carlo (Carlo Zinelli), Carolein Smit, Dado (Miodrag Djuric), Damián Valdés Dilla, Dominique Théate, Eric Liot, ), Erró (Guðmundur Guðmundsson), Fay Ku, Foma Jaremtschuk, Franco Bellucci, Fred Deux, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Georges Bru, Giovanni Battista Podestà, Giovanni Bosco, Giovanni Galli, Giuseppe Barocchi, Gonçalo Mabunda, Gorgali Lorestani (Zabihollah Mohammadi), Guo Fengyi, Henry Darger, Hugo Carillo, Jacques Deal, Jean Duranel, Jesuys Crystiano, Joële (Nina Karasek), José Johann Seinen, Josef Hofer, Josef Wittlich, Julien Perrier, Karine Rougier, La Mère François, Lionel Saint Eloi, Marilena Pelosi, Martín Ramírez, Michail Paule, Misleidys Francisca Castillo Pedroso, Oskar Voll, Pascal Leyder, Patrice Girard, Peter Saul, Pier Brouet, Pierre Dessons, Reinaldo Eckenberger, Robert Combas, Rosa Ramalho, Rosemarie Koczy, Tom Duncan e Winston Cajuste.
Gustavo Giacosa is a curator and theatre director whose role has been crucial in the interpretation of more marginal visual arts and their intersections with contemporary art and performative arts. He settled in Italy in 1991 and was part of the Pippo Delbono company until 2010. In 2005, he created a multidisciplinary collective of artists in Genova called l’ Association Culturelle ContemporArt. Sinvce then, he has been developing research on the relationship between art and madness withing several artistic disciplines, having curated various exhibition on this theme, such as Nous, ceux de la parole toujours en marche, at Museum Commenda di Pré in Genova. In 2012, he moved to France to create, together with pianist and composer Fausto Ferraiuolo, multidisciplinary platform SIC.12., which brings together the whole range of his productions. 12.
Exhibition view © Dinis Santos
Side activities
03 March 2019
Presentation of the performance Uma outra história de violência [Another history of violence] which resulted from a three-day arts residency coordinated by Gustavo Giacosa with the participation of students from the Theatre and Dance Course at Escola Superior de Música e do Espectáculo do Politécnico do Porto (ESMAE).
27 and 31 October 2018; 24 and 28 February 2019
Labirinto Propício #2 o banho [Propitious Labyrinth # 2 the bath]
Our everyday gestures still contain traces of ancient rituals. We will carry out an iconographic reading of a painting by Lionel St Eloi and a series of drawings by Foma Jaremtschuk, stitching them together to understand that not all bathing is equal. We will listen to voodoo percussion, and look at dance in excerpts of a documentary by Maya Deren.

Exhibition catalog
160 x 220 mm
222 pp
Bilingual POR/ENG
Design: André Gonçalves
Legal deposit: 445211/18
€ 18.00
Catalog available at Centro de Arte Oliva or catalog available at the oliva art center or by order via e-mail centrodearteoliva@cm-sjm.pt. Shipping costs are added to the above price.