El Ojo Eléctrico [The Electric Eye]
11 october 2019 — 5 january 2020
Curator: Antonia Gaeta e Pilar Soler
Production: La Casa Encendida, Madrid
The exhibitionEl Ojo Eléctrico, curated by Antonia Gaeta and Pilar Soler, focuses on presenting a series of works that use artistic language to unveil a mysterious to-and-fro between various dimensions, or between visible and invisible reality, through encrypted messages that resort to cosmological structures as the support for different realities and worlds that are often deliberately obscure and whose iconography is complex. The understanding of these works lies in the encounter between forms and meanings that bring together tutelary entities and figures. This is a project about the mystery of the meaning of occult presence. The exhibition dramatizes these elements as if they were transitory memories materializing as multiple and complex realities, concrete calculations, pyramids of power, and apathy countered by the accomplishing of a visionary mission.
The emphasis is on the challenging impossibility to completely decipher the message contained in the works, as artists often act as mediators between the rational world and the unknown or transcendental. These works are accounts of the unconscious and unwittingly take on subversive aspects in the face of the discourse if the established order. They question the boundaries of reason through different codified messages, formulas, invented figures and secret codes. There is always something occult that becomes an enigma and emerges as the only viable space for liberation from its pathological condition. In these terms, this exhibition project reveals the power of subjective processes, compulsive obsessions and fantastical visions.
Video with the curators about the exhibition project.
Adelhyd van Bender, Adolf Wölfli, Agatha Wojciechowsky, Albino Braz, Alexandro García, Alexis Lippstreu, Aníbal Brizuela, Anna Zemánková, Augustine Lesage, Beverly Baker, Carlo (Carlo Zinelli), C.V.M. (Carlos Victor Martins), Edmund Monsiel, Fleury-Joseph Crépin, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, George Widener, Gianni Antonelli, Guo Fengyi, Harald Stoffers, Horst Ademeit, Jaime Fernandes, James Deeds, Janko Domsic, Jean Perdrizet, Joële (Nina Karasek), John Urho Kemp, Kashinath Chawan, Madge Gill, Margarethe Held, Martín Ramírez, Maurice (Eugène Lambourdière) , Melvin Way, Óscar Morales, Paul Goesch, Prophet Royal Robertson, Raimundo Camilo, Scottie Wilson, Vasilij Romanenkov, Volkmar Schulz-Rumpold, Zdeněk Košek.