Descuradas. Artworks from the Norlinda and José Lima Collection.
1 april — 17 september 2023
Curator: Sara & André

Descuradas reveals a large number of artworks from the Norlinda and José Lima collection (NJL), which have never had a public presentation since they were integrated into the collection. This private collection has been on deposit and available to the public at the Centro de Arte Oliva since 2013, where it has been presented through a regular program of temporary exhibitions. Over the last ten years, around forty-five exhibitions have been held based on the collection, which took place at the Centro de Arte Oliva in S. João da Madeira, and outside with the collaboration of the same center through its satellite programming. Despite the large public dimension of this private collection, many of his works have remained hidden in the reserves. Descuradas brings together works by Portuguese and international artists, from the most recognized to the most obscure, including artists who had moments of greater recognition and then disappeared. Alongside these new acquisitions are added. In the year in which the Centro de Arte Oliva celebrates ten years of activity and growth, this exhibition will reveal an unknown facet of the collection.

Artists (selection):
Alexandre Farto, Álvaro Lapa, Ana Cardoso, António Sena, Árpád Szenes, Artur Cruzeiro Seixas, Bruno Pacheco, Carlos Calvet, Carlos Correia, Daniel Barroca, Daniel Spoerri, Darocha, Fernão Cruz, Francis Smith, Francisco Leiro, Francisco Relógio, Graça Morais, Graça Pereira Coutinho, Ilda David, Inez Teixeira, Isabel Simões, Isabelle Faria, João Nora, Joaquim Bravo, Jorge Martins, Jorge Queiroz, José Baptista Marques, José de Guimarães, Luís Paulo Costa, Luísa Mota, Mafalda Santos, Manuel Botelho, Manuel Caeiro, Marina Gomes, Nuno Viegas, Paulo Brighenti, Pedro Casqueiro, Pedro Proença, René Bértholo, Ricardo Angélico, Rosa Ramalho, Rui Chafes, Rui Pedro Jorge, Rui Sanches, Rui Serra, Sofia Leitão, Susana Gaudêncio, Valter Vinagre, Vitor Israel.


April 27 | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Fátima Mendonça by Susana Rodrigues

May 7 | 15:00 | Guided visit with Miguel Almeida
May 11 | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Daniel Spoerri by Joana Ribeiro

June 4 | 13:30 | Guided visit with Joana Ribeiro
June 22 | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Carlos Carreiro with Miguel Almeida

20 July | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Antonio Palolo with Susana Rodrigues

September 7th | 13:30 | PAUSE dedicated to Cruzeiro Seixas with Miguel Almeida

Sara & André Sara & André The artist duo Sara & André has been curating some of the most exploratory exhibitions in Portugal, in projects that focus on the national artistic context, such as “O Colecionador de Belas Artes” (at Galeria Quadrum, Lisbon, 2022), an activity expanded by the authorship of publications such as Uma breve história da curadoria (Sistema Solar, 2019) in which they interviewed around one hundred Portuguese curators or those working in Portugal or Inquérito a 263 Artists (special edition of the magazine Contemporânea , 2021). Nesta exposição irão debruçar-se sobre as obras pertencentes à Coleção Norlinda e José Lima que nunca foram exibidas nas várias exposições realizadas desde que o Centro de Arte Oliva iniciou a sua atividade há cerca de dez anos.

Video tour of the exhibition © Paulo Cunha Martins

Exhibition views © Dinis Santos

Information sheet
