Arquitectura Visionária [Visionary Architecture]
15 may — 15 june 2019
Curator: Antonia Gaeta
Production: Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa; Centro de Arte Oliva; Treger/Saint Silvestre Art Brut
Hosted at the cultural centre organized by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Visionary Architecture is an exhibition curated by Antonia Gaeta based on the Treger/Saint Silvestre Collection as part of the parallel programme of the 3rd edition of the international art fair Arco Lisboa 2019.
‘In this exhibition, the visionary is an idealization; the unpracticable is a utopian perfection, a mental image dissociated from the physical nature of the real world, an occasion to rebuilt the world as conceived by every artist or, in any case, an invitation to discover and build a personal narrative. Each featured work is simultaneously a synthesis of a formal and intellectual construct and the expression of relationships between forms, the balance between colours, improvement and perfection. In this sense, the golden section accompanies and challenges the construction of projects, of light prototypes capable of adapting to nomadism or feed the fantasy of a flying house or a house on wheels, the union of imagination and functionality, of the essential and the random. This gives rise to brilliant and unbalanced inventions, perceptual challenges and to an idea traced in space and made of physical relationships between architecture and nature, heaven and earth. Moreover, they foster endless hierarchical relationships between the divine and society, filled with unsolved enigmas within claustrophobic spatial structures, a vision that brings the whole world together and survives purely as artistic vision’. [Antonia Gaeta] [Antonia Gaeta]
Artistas: A.C.M., Adolf Wölfli, Alexandro García, Alexandru Chira, Arumugam, Beverly Baker, Carlo Franco Stella, Daniel Gonçalves, Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Georges Widener, Gianni Antonelli, Jesuys Crystiano, John Devlin, Kostia Botkine, Leopold Strobl, Prophet Royal Robertson, Titov Yuri Vassilievich, Welmon Sharlhorne e Wesley Willis.
Antonia Gaeta (Itália, 1978) é Licenciada em Conservação dos Bens Culturais pela Universidade de Bolonha. Mestre em Estudos Curatoriais pela Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa e Doutorada em Arte Contemporânea no Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra. Desenvolveu projetos de investigação e exposição com diversas instituições artísticas em Portugal e no estrangeiro e tem textos publicados em catálogos de arte, revistas especializadas e programas de exposições. Foi coordenadora executiva das representações oficiais portuguesas nas Bienais de Arte de Veneza (edições 2009 e 2011) e de São Paulo (edições 2008 e 2010) para a Direção-Geral das Artes. Em 2015, foi curadora adjunta do Pavilhão de Angola na 56ª Bienal de Veneza, tendo desde esse ano desenvolvido projetos curatoriais para a coleção de arte bruta Treger/Saint Silvestre.
Exhibition co-organized by Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Centro de Arte Oliva e Treger Saint Silvestre Art Brut.
Exhibition view